
Beating Case Judge

It is fortunate that Dist. Atty. Ira Reiner is up for reelection this November, because it saves the voters from having to mount a recall effort. By removing Superior Court Judge Roosevelt Dorn from the Reginald Denny beating case, and airing his grievances in public, Reiner has shown himself to be unprofessional (Aug. 27-28).

As a white member of the parent support group Because I Love You, I often observed Judge Dorn in Juvenile Court. He showed juveniles not only that the judicial system works, but that it provided consequences in keeping with their actions. He enjoyed an extremely high success rate in guiding young offenders toward a productive life.

Since Judge Dorn demanded a high standard of excellence not only from the judged but also from the public defenders, attorneys, district attorneys and probation officers, he made enemies among Reiner’s staff and friends.


As a black jurist Judge Dorn was an ideal person to hear this case. His superiors have judged him to be extremely qualified. Reiner has deprived the defendants of a fine judge and politicized the case.

BETTY ELLYN, Los Angeles
