
ORANGE : Residents Hot About City Air Conditioner

Consolidating the city’s Community Services Department in one location has not enhanced community relations with the department’s neighbors. The problem: a loud air conditioner.

In November, a 1,300-square-foot trailer housing six employees was installed in the parking lot of the Community Services Department, on East Almond Avenue. But city staffers almost immediately heard from local residents about the noise the trailer’s air conditioner made.

“It’s like a loudspeaker inside a teacup,” said neighbor Kerry Schuh. “It’s like a helicopter landing.”


As a result of the complaints, city officials since November have muffled the air-conditioning units by installing baffling boxes around them, installed timers on the units to prevent them from operating outside of normal business hours and conducted repeated sound tests on the units.

But all the city actions have not pacified dissatisfied area residents.

Schuh said that despite the city’s claims, the air conditioner--still loud but not as loud as it once was--is operating at all hours, including 5 a.m. Monday.

“I got up . . . cried from 5 to 6 and then slept on the couch till 8,” Schuh said.

In fact, Schuh said she rarely sleeps in the bedroom of her house on nearby Grand Street and has lost a roommate because of the noise from the trailer.


Pearl Waddell, a resident of a nearby apartment building, says she sleeps on her couch most nights because the noise drives her from her bedroom.

Karen Nobrega, senior assistant to the city manager, said the air conditioner has been tested repeatedly and does not exceed the legal limit of 55 decibels.
