
Setting the Record Straight

An Aug. 11 story (“Candidate Proposes Child Impact Report”) might have left the wrong impression with your readers, which I would like to clear up. Anita Perez Ferguson, Democratic nominee for the 23rd Congressional District seat, cited the rather low Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) voting record of her opponent, U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly.

CDF compiles its voting records as a tool for legislative lobbying (i.e., the record helps CDF and other users determine which members of Congress should receive additional information on children’s issues and which should be lobbied on what issues). These issues range from family and medical leave legislation to funding measures for programs like Head Start and Medicaid and handgun and civil rights legislation.

The voting records are not intended to be used as a voter education tool, and CDF did not authorize any campaign to use them as such. Ms. Perez Ferguson is correct in pointing out that CDF is a nonpartisan organization, and I hope that your readers do not misinterpret her use of our voting records as CDF taking sides in the 23rd District race.


DOUGLAS G. RIVLIN, Lead Field Organizer, Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, D.C.
