
Black Nominees for DWP Board

When I accepted Mayor Tom Bradley’s nomination to the Department of Water and Power board, I had no idea it would turn into such a hullabaloo (Aug. 12). I took it for granted the DWP Commission was not surrounded by the same emotionalism as the Police Commission.

During my confirmation hearing, I realized how wrong I had been when City Council President John Ferraro rose to his feet to accuse me of having placed former Police Chief Daryl Gates under “house arrest.” Although he complained about a lack of Police Commission consultation with the City Council during my tenure, it was also clear that he was carrying a grievance over the substance of the actions against Chief Gates and not just the legal procedures used. There were six members of the City Council (besides Ferraro and Ruth Galanter) who voted to deny my confirmation without stating a reason. The fact that these council persons did not disavow Ferraro’s comments indicates to me that they shared his views.

With respect to the merits of environmental protection versus affirmative action on the DWP, let me say, beware of those who have exclusive regard for protecting the Earth, but care little for people’s daily environment.


