
LAKE VIEW TERRACE : Panel Urges L.A. to Pay Landfill Fine

A Los Angeles City Council panel has recommended paying a $10,000 fine to settle an air quality complaint filed against the city’s Lopez Canyon garbage dump above Lake View Terrace.

The council’s Environmental Quality and Waste Management Committee on Wednesday recommended settling the complaint with the state’s South Coast Air Quality Management District. A final decision to settle must be made by the full City Council.

A district inspector checking a complaint of odor at the dump determined on Nov. 13, 1990, that dump workers had failed to open a valve on the landfill’s gas collection system, causing gas to seep into the atmosphere.


The collection system captures gas generated by decaying garbage and burns it off to prevent odors.

The city expects to be reimbursed for half the fine by Advanco Constructors, a private contractor responsible for drilling the gas collection wells at the landfill, according to a city report on the incident.
