
O.C. PLATFORM : Safety Comes First

<i> LAURA HAYES, a 14-year resident of Irvine, has three children who attend schools in the Irvine Unified School District. Commenting on a recent policy by the city's school board that would require all children who ride their bikes to school to wear a safety helmet, she told The Times:</i>

Any measure that protects our children is welcomed in my home. As a longtime advocate of safety helmets for bike riders, it makes me proud to see our school district take an important step for our children’s safety.

This regulation will provide the needed ammunition against peer pressure, a force that often guides a child’s decision. For some reason a lot of kids see safety helmets as uncool. But with this new regulation the child has no choice. The result, my child is wearing a helmet, and I have the regulation to back me up. I’m sure most people have no problems regarding the mandatory seat belt law we have in this state. Likewise, I’m sure laws that require infants to be strapped into infant car seats are seen as equally as important.

And though individual rights are an important part of our lives and rules that seem to tell people how to run their lives upset some, in this case, children, like adults, sometimes need laws that protect.
