
A Pitch for Softball

Your article (“It’s a Whole New Ballgame,” Aug. 2) about a softball game between teams from Simi Valley and South Los Angeles was touching. This event helped to prove to residents of both communities that we are all individuals. In many ways, we are all alike.

Unfortunately, such an event would be impossible in the Ventura County community of Oak Park if some of our neighbors have their way. They oppose building a softball diamond at Deerhill Park because they feel that softball players are not fit to enter our community. Not only do these persons object to others from Simi Valley and South Los Angeles using Deerhill Park, they even claim my own adult children--Oak Park residents for over 19 years and avid softball players--are unsavory and should not be allowed to drive near their homes.

And contrary to rumor, there are no field lights being installed for softball or soccer at Deerhill Park. There is no dedicated fund of money for such lights, and these lights were purposely omitted from the zoning application to the Ventura County Planning Commission.


