
Grand Jury Missed Chance

So there are new charges, this time of grand theft, against Waste Management of California. What is this country coming to? Is there no honor among thieves? If Browning-Ferris is the victim in the San Jose indictments, what must the perpetrator of the crimes be like? How is it possible to keep an eye on such a customer as WMI?

As a contributor to the Environmental Coalition’s argument against Waste Management’s proposed dump in Weldon, I was gratified by the report that it was a grand jury that blew the whistle in Santa Clara County.

What’s wrong with Ventura County? Our grand jury has known about Waste Management’s history since 1985--at least.


This year’s grand jury members had the same opportunity as Santa Clara’s but gave their blessing to Waste Management and Weldon earlier this year.

They even leaked their decision in April, just before an important board of supervisors’ vote on Weldon.

Who’s responsible for the behavior of the Ventura County grand jury? Some elected official who manipulated appointments? The jury members themselves? County residents who are less than interested in the grand jury process? Wherever the blame lies, this is a good time for Ventura County to overhaul the system.


As for the untouchables of the Santa Clara grand jury: Good show, folks.

