
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Seniors to Vacate Homes for Spraying

A severe infestation of termites will force more than 200 residents of the Emerald Cove senior housing complex to move out of their homes for two nights so exterminators can fumigate.

Emerald cove officials said the fumigation will cost $45,000-$55,000 for spraying, and $10,000 for hotel and motel rooms to house residents who do not have relatives or friends with whom to stay. The fumigation is expected to start sometime in the next three weeks.

An Emerald Cove maintenance man first discovered the termites in May. A subsequent inspection by three pest-control companies found termites in all nine resident buildings and a clubhouse. In three of the buildings, the infestation was classified as severe.


Community Services Director Ron Hagan urged an immediate assault on the termites. He warned that at the present rate, the termite population could increase 10% to 15% over the next few months--ultimately increasing the costs of fumigation by some $8,500.

The Emerald Cove complex, which is owned by the city, was constructed on Talbert Avenue in 1984 to provide housing for senior citizens on fixed and low incomes, Hagan said.

According to officials, none of the buildings have sustained major damage. However, some exterior boards will have to be removed because of the infestation.


The approximately $55,000 for spraying will come from a contingency fund from rent paid to the city.
