
Ballot Measure for More Police

Does anyone in a government position in Los Angeles or Sacramento understand the term “fiscal responsibility”? The fact that we have voted against most measures requiring tax increases is also ignored, especially property tax measures.

I note that Mayor Bradley wants to add another 1,000 police to the city of Los Angeles and pay for them by increasing property taxes. I further note that former Chief Gates will receive a retirement pension of $10,000 per month. I don’t even live in Los Angeles and I find this obscene. It is not the duty of taxpayers to provide a life of luxury for politicians and civil servants.

If the mayor wants more police, let him reduce the salaries of all civil servants and politicians who earn over $95,000 per year by 15%, those earning $75,000-$95,000 by 10%, and those earning $60,000-$75,000 by 5%. Then enact legislation prohibiting anyone earning a government salary from retiring with a pension that is greater than 75% of his salary, not allowances, after 30 years’ service. If he would then fire only 10% of the “deadwood” who do nothing, he could hire the police and probably reduce taxes as well.


It’s time politicians learn that the tax “well” has run dry.


Mission Viejo
