
President Bush’s ’92 Campaign

My family and I have lived in California for over 30 years and have seen some of our beautiful communities deteriorate to gang- and drug-infested war zones.

Regardless of your personal political beliefs, you may as well accept the fact that George Bush will be reelected to the presidency. Bush will do exactly what you and I would do under the same set of circumstances--take care of the people who helped him get reelected.

Where do you think the lucrative government aircraft and defense contracts will go? Which states will receive large federal grants for highway improvements and financial support for public projects, etc.?


If Californians do not support Bush in this election, we will see Los Angeles become another Houston; Orange County another Arkansas; and our great state will soon be in competition with Mississippi for the distinction of being the No. 1 welfare state.

Major companies are leaving the state by the droves, well-heeled senior citizens are taking their fat bank accounts to other states to escape the inevitable, and unemployed families on welfare are moving here by the tens of thousands to participate in the California “giveaway” programs.

Trust me folks, our Golden State will soon become a Ghetto State and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.


