
President Bush’s ’92 Campaign

President Bush seldom comments on any issue without whining that members of Congress won’t do what he tells them to do. That is his excuse for doing little about domestic problems.

At his June 4 press conference he said, “I say take a look at what happened in Desert Storm where I didn’t have to get anybody else’s action. I moved. I saw a threat. I did what was required. The people saw leadership and action there” (June 5).

Perhaps if the Bush Administration had kept Congress fully informed and had let Congress advise it about the disastrous policy of helping Saddam Hussein in the months before Iraq invaded Kuwait, we would not have had to fight any war!


P.S. White House Press Secretary Martin Fitzwater said of Ross Perot, “His entire history is to stomp into the group, demand to do things his way, and if he doesn’t get it, he picks up the football and goes home.” So who is calling the kettle black?

