
Mt. Soledad Cross

Proposition F on the San Diego ballot was approved by the voters. It claimed the Mt. Soledad Cross is a “war memorial” and should be transferred from city land to a nonprofit corporation.

I’d like to give a polygraph test to everybody who voted yes on Proposition F. “Is that cross first and foremost a war memorial to you? Or a religious symbol?” I always thought the cross represented the Crucifixion of Christ.

What a strange picture: Christians denying the religious nature of the symbol of their own religion. (What does that do to your souls, folks?) Imposing their own personal religious views on all of us. Burying the truth. Indulging in convoluted thinking. City officials breaking the law, violating th Constitution. I would call such behavior blatantly manipulative and, mainly, unethical. Funny, I thought ethics was supposed to be the basis for religion.


