
OCC Anti-Drug Rally Canceled

An anti-drug rally Saturday at Orange Coast College to support a clean and drug-free environment has been canceled, college officials have announced.

Sponsored by the Orange County Victory Foundation, the rally was advertised to include appearances by Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) and U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Herschensohn. The foundation was planning to rent OCC’s LeBard Stadium, but the college was forced to cancel the event because of insurance and other contractual problems, college officials said.

“We’re supportive of the rally’s purpose and theme,” said James L. McIlwain, vice president of administrative services. “We had to cancel, however, because the college can’t assume liability for the event.”


The free rally with fireworks, musical acts, speakers and comedians had been expected to draw a crowd of more than 5,000.
