
Robertson’s Plans for UPI Still Unclear


Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson sent mixed signals about his intentions for United Press International on Wednesday as questions and criticism of his proposed acquisition of the historic news service mounted.

Frankie Abourjilie, a spokeswoman for Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network, said “there will be no attempt made to change the character of UPI.”

She reiterated Robertson’s statement, made Tuesday before he submitted his $6-million bid for the financially ailing wire service, that UPI would remain secular.


However, Robertson himself implied that he had some changes in mind for UPI during a discussion of the wire service on his “700 Club” television talk show Wednesday.

“I think it’s important to have an alternate voice for news,” said Robertson, according to a transcript provided by People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group.

“People are disgusted with slanted news or news that’s not being reported accurately, and I think we’re graduating from Regent University some really superb journalists,” the Baptist minister and Yale Law School graduate added.


Robertson is chancellor of Virginia Beach, Va.-based Regent University, a graduate school that was formerly known as CBN (for Christian Broadcasting Network) University.

“We have a real commitment to news,” Robertson told his “700 Club” audience, adding that UPI’s worldwide operations “give us a chance to have some very, very significant news around the world.”

Sara Diamond, author of “Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right,” said Robertson’s purchase of UPI was a logical extension of the former presidential candidate’s drive to take over political, news media and other secular institutions.


“These are all pieces to the same puzzle. I’ve heard him say it a million times: ‘Christians need to take dominion.’ He doesn’t mean it in a metaphysical sense. He believes he is building a ‘Kingdom of God,’ ” Diamond said.

“I don’t have the slightest notion what he’s got in mind for UPI, but it is not going to be a competitor to the Associated Press,” said Bill Kovach, curator of Harvard University’s Nieman Foundation, which affords a mid-career opportunity for news journalists to study and broaden their intellectual horizons.

“The free press that motivated, enervated and energized our country is in real jeopardy,” Kovach added. “Everything’s for sale.”

Robertson could not be reached for comment.
