
Assessing Causes of Unrest Sparked by King Verdicts

As I sat viewing, in horror and with deep sorrow, the events occurring in L.A. and across the nation, I had only one question. Where were all the political, civil, religious and entertainment “leaders” before the acquittal verdict was announced?

It’s hard for me to comprehend that these “leaders” would not have had the foresight to prepare the citizens for an acquittal verdict. I believe they could have formulated a plan of action that could have been put into motion if an acquittal verdict was announced.

Why would they (“leaders”) not want to organize a peaceful--but loud and forceful--solidarity march protesting, and jamming telephone lines at courthouses and elected government officials’ offices? Why couldn’t there have been pre-printed statements of protest against an injustice that citizens, by the thousands, could have mailed to Mayor Bradley, Gov. Wilson and Dist. Atty. Ira Reiner?


Apparently, it’s more sensational to come forward after the fact than to have created a peaceful and useful plan beforehand.

We have the opportunities to prepare for earthquakes and to have insurance for all those unforeseen tragedies so that we won’t feel frantic, lost or out of control.

I listened to a mother speak and say she was ashamed of “her” race. I want to say I was ashamed of the human race.



Sierra Madre
