
La Verne : Mobile Home Rent Control

The City Council unanimously voted Monday to instruct city staff to draft a rent control ordinance covering most of the city’s mobile home parks.

The council indicated that it wants to limit increases on lot rentals to $25 or 7%, whichever is higher, when a mobile home is sold, and to allow such increases only every five years. Otherwise, park owners could raise rents only to keep up with inflation.

Two of the city’s eight mobile home parks would be exempt because they have tenants on long-term leases.


Councilman Thomas R. Harvey accused some park owners of gouging mobile home owners. The residents, he said, are “not all one happy family.”

Park owners, however, argued against limiting rent increases when a home is sold. They said new purchasers will know the rental rate and be willing to pay it, or they won’t buy.

The final ordinance will come before the council at its May 18 meeting.
