

Compiled by Ted Johnson / Free-lance writer

Patent Debate Friday: You would think that inventors only keep to themselves, shrouding their ideas in uttermost secrecy.

But members of the Inventors Forum in Irvine meet every month to share their plans for everything from magician stage props to compact disk holding cases. They get advice on how to improve products, where to find financing and how to write a business plan.

This Friday, the future Edisons of the world will sponsor a debate on the subject of “patent harmonization” at Orange Coast College.


Under U.S. patent law, the individual or organization that actually originated the idea--and who can prove it--is awarded the patent. Congress is considering changing the patent process to make it more similar to laws in most other countries, such as Japan and Germany, which award patents to the first person or organization to file an application.

Supporters of the change, including large corporations, say it will streamline the process and cut the cost of getting patents in the United States and elsewhere. Small inventors and businesses argue that large corporations will blanket the patent with costly, frivolous proposals if the system is changed.

The meeting will be at 8 p.m. The cost is $5 for member inventors and $10 for non-members. For information, call (714) 253-4110.
