
‘Basic’ Bashers, Cont.

The hysterical response to my earlier letter about “Basic Instinct” forces me to “whine” a bit more (Letters, April 12). Calendar edited my letter by about 50%, altering some of the meaning. I never seriously suggested that white, heterosexual males should complain about the thousands of portrayals of ourselves as villains, as it appears some readers thought.

My letter was intended as a First Amendment statement asking for the same tolerance from minorities and special-interest groups that they want the rest of the world to afford them.

To equate my letter with hate crimes and neo-Nazism is highly offensive to me and, I’m sure, to many readers who shared my viewpoint. The fact that certain members of the gay community are so absolutely intolerant of any opinion other than their own that they have to label the offending parties gay-bashers, fascists and homophobic was the point I was trying to make in the first place.


I’m not homophobic. I’m homophobic-phobic. Don’t call me homophobic. It’s embarrassing.


Woodland Hills
