
The California Delegation

Here are the figures for current members of the California delegation. The list released by the Ethics Committee on Thursday gives only the number of overdrafts. Dollar amounts are listed here only for those members who acknowledged them earlier on their own.

No. of Admitted Party Represents checks total Glenn M. Anderson D San Pedro 3 -- Anthony C. Beilenson D Los Angeles 5 -- Howard L. Berman D Panorama City 67 -- Barbara Boxer D Greenbrae 143 * George E. Brown Jr. D Colton 26 -- Tom Campbell R Palo Alto 4 -- Gary A. Condit D Ceres 4 -- Randy Cunningham R San Diego 1 $15,000 William E. Dannemeyer R Fullerton 26 $6,553 Ronald V. Dellums D Berkeley 851 -- Mervyn M. Dymally D Compton 1 -- Don Edwards D San Jose 13 -- Elton Gallegly R Simi Valley 5 -- Duncan Hunter R Coronado 399 $129,225 Robert J. Lagomarsino R Ventura 3 -- Richard H. Lehman D Sanger 10 -- Bill Lowery R San Diego 300 $104,000 Matthew G. Martinez D Monterey Park 19 -- Robert T. Matsui D Sacramento 25 $11,196 George Miller D Martinez 99 -- Norman Y. Mineta D San Jose 3 $350 Ron Packard R Oceanside 4 $1,963 Leon E. Panetta D Carmel Valley 12 -- Nancy Pelosi D San Francisco 28 -- Frank Riggs R Windsor 3 -- Dana Rohrabacher R Long Beach 8 -- Edward R. Roybal D Los Angeles 11 -- Pete Stark D Oakland 64 -- Bill Thomas R Bakersfield 119 $157,000 Maxine Waters D Los Angeles 5 -- Henry A. Waxman D Los Angeles 434 --

* Barbara Boxer has said her overdrafts ranged from $3 to $2,000

-- means amount has not been acknowledged by House member.

Source: House Ethics Committee, Associated Press
