
IRVINE : Limit on Campaign Donations Studied

The City Council voted early Wednesday to form a committee to recommend possible changes in a law that limits campaign contributions in council races to $180 a year per candidate.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in February that California’s annual contribution limit for legislative candidates weighed in favor of incumbents and was unconstitutional. Since Irvine’s cap is similar to the state’s, it is seriously vulnerable to a legal challenge, the city attorney concluded.

Councilman William A. (Art) Bloomer asked the council to discuss the problem. Since the original law was passed by voters, any proposed change might have to go on the ballot for approval, he said.


The council voted 4-0, with Councilman Bill Vardoulis absent, to reconstitute the disbanded Election Reform Committee to look into the legal questions and propose ways the city could limit contributions without violating the constitution.

Irvine’s 1987 law set a limit of $150 that an individual could donate each calendar year to a candidate for the City Council. The limit increases each year based on inflation.
