

From The Times Washington staff

GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY: California will be the beneficiary if a much anticipated fight over the chairmanship of the powerful House Public Works and Transportation Committee fails to materialize. The panel oversees aviation, the federal highway system, water projects, building construction and other major programs. . . . By most accounts, Rep. Norman Y. Mineta (D-San Jose) is set to become its new leader when the 103rd Congress convenes in January--assuming, of course, that Mineta is reelected to the House, as expected. He would succeed retiring Rep. Robert A. Roe (D-N.J.). Some House watchers had expected Rep. James L. Oberstar (D-Minn.) to challenge Mineta for the chairmanship, but Oberstar has said he will pass. California would be the winner, as public works chairmen usually have little trouble taking care of their home states.
