
Rolling in the dough: Hollywood resident John...

Rolling in the dough: Hollywood resident John Walsh didn’t bother to sugarcoat his criticism of the wasteful expense accounts of the L.A. County Transportation Commission, which include $6,000 spent on doughnuts over the last 18 months.

“Millions for rail, thousands for doughnuts, peanuts for bus riders,” scolded Walsh, a bus rider, at a commission meeting on Monday.

At the RTD, the rival agency that has feuded with the LACTC, staffers were still gloating over the revelations of LACTC extravagance, which were detailed in a Times story.


An RTD consultant figured--on his own time, he emphasized--that each doughnut wolfed down by an LACTC worker cost as much as the sum required to move an RTD bus 163 feet.

One RTD staffer suggested that the M (as in Metro Rail) logo of the LACTC should be inside a doughnut.

One M logo in a doughnut? Glazed? You got it!

Something else to chew on: We suspect that LACTC members may have taken too literally the poem that used to be prominently displayed at a downtown cafe:


As you travel through life, dear friend,

Whatever be your goal,

Keep your eye upon the doughnut,

And not upon the hole.

Trophy husband: Ernest and Jeannette Levens of Marina del Rey sent us a magazine ad they found for a toy doll named Judy, adding: “This is carrying women’s lib too far!” Listed among Judy’s accessories are: “Judy’s husband, Charlie.”

Postal sleuths: We recently mentioned that a letter addressed to a Pasadena attorney on “E Cikiradi Vkvd” was delivered to her office on East Colorado Boulevard by a mail carrier who was obviously adept at breaking codes. (In this case, the carrier figured out that the right hand of the person who typed the address had apparently shifted one key to the left.)

All of which prompted Robert Ridel of Torrance to recall reading of a case in which a letter addressed to a “Dr. 11-10” reached the intended physician:


Dr. Leventon.

How about a drinking fountain named for Ed McMahon? The Burbank City Council will debate tonight over whether to re-christen Buena Vista Park in honor of Johnny Carson, the occasional host of the “Tonight Show.” We hope that, before they vote, the members take a moment to reprise some of Johnny’s most heartfelt tributes to the town.

Our favorite: “On a daily average, Burbank airport has 94 departures. No arrivals, just departures.”


In the where-are-they-now department, the partial skulls of “L.A. Man,” about 26,000 years old, and “Laguna Woman” (just 18,000 or so) are in a display case at the L.A. County Natural History Museum. They’re described as the “earliest directly dated human remains found on the North American continent.”
