
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Council Squelches Nighttime Trucks

Moving to protect the slumber of citizens, the City Council has banned overnight truck traffic near residential areas.

The penalty for violation of the new ordinance is a fine of $1,000 or six months in jail or both.

Approved unanimously Tuesday, the ordinance forbids deliveries by trucks within 100 feet of residential areas between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., and at any time on Sundays and holidays. The prohibition includes driving, stopping, idling or parking trucks.


The ordinance comes after residents in neighborhoods near shopping centers complained about noise from trucks. While similar restrictions were placed on most shopping centers when their construction was first approved by the city, police said the new ordinance now gives them authority to enforce the rules against disturbing the peace.

The municipal code already prohibits garbage trucks from operating during those same hours.
