
Speeding Judge

Re. “Superior Court Judge Can’t Beat Ticket, but Gets Off Some Steam,” (Jan. 22):

Thank you for reporting the above story. How dare Judge Kapiloff try to say it is permissible for him to go 65 when the speed limit is 55. The law is the law, and he should be upholding the law, not breaking it.

A speed trap is fine with me; at least the traffic slows when drivers see a CHP car stopping a speeder. As far as going with the flow of traffic, many times the traffic whizzes by me at least 90 or 100 m.p.h. I do not intend to try to keep up with those imbeciles. The fact that the 55 law was passed during the energy crisis has nothing to do with obeying a law on the books.

I certainly hope the judge’s superiors call him on the carpet for this unseemly behavior . . . and that the voters are reminded of his actions at election time.


