
Welcome Police and Fix Traffic for Alhambra

I would like to respond to Harold E. Phelps Jr. regarding “Freeway Extension Threatens Charm of South Pasadena” (The Times, Letters, Jan. 26).

Mr. Phelps referred to the (Alhambra) site chosen for the new police facility across the street from the high school as a blunder. Why should anyone think that was a blunder? Is he resenting the symbol of authority the facility might portray to the student body? Does he think daily classes in such close proximity to law and order would be detrimental to the students’ learning ability?

If Mr. Phelps is objecting to a criminal element around a police station, may I remind him that we already have a criminal element at that location going in and out of the courthouse. Usually, the so-called criminal element around a police station is restrained in some manner.


Personally, I should think any parent with a child attending classes at that high school would breathe a little easier knowing that the police are just across the street--their presence might deter drug dealings, gang activities, fights, etc. I think the proposed location is a plus.

Mr. Phelps, if you are still reading this, do you have any alternatives to suggest? What should we do about the traffic going through Alhambra and endangering our lives and property? Here in the Midwick neighborhood, one little girl was almost killed by a speeder; my own garage was caved in and if that car had not hit my garage, it would have demolished the front rooms of the house next door, maybe killing someone. We asked the city for help and a barrier was placed at Garvey.

Maybe you don’t drive, but I recently had to wait through eight light changes (green to red) to make a left-hand turn off Atlantic. Perhaps Alhambra should become a gated community and only vehicles residing in Alhambra would be allowed to enter our city!


