
Affordable Housing

Looking for the root cause of residential overcrowding and a lack of affordable housing in Southern California (“Putting the Squeeze on Crowding,” Jan. 2)? Keep an eye on your local city council or planning commission the next time a developer proposes to build new homes, condos or apartments.

Watch the mobs of angry homeowners descend on city hall, demanding that the project be stopped. These homeowners may cite some legitimate environmental concerns, but what they are actually doing is trampling on the property rights of others and denying housing opportunities to hundreds, or even thousands of people.

If the project is ever approved, it will be after years of costly delays and a reduction in the number of planned units. As a result, what may have started out as relatively affordable housing will end up as “luxury” homes.


Finally, look for some of these same homeowners to scratch their heads and wonder why their children have to move to the Mojave Desert to find an affordable home.


