
Edward Kaul of Encino asks for the...

Edward Kaul of Encino asks for the name of a brasserie in Paris “where politicians and celebrities dine.” Try the Brasserie Lipp in the heart of colorful St.-Germain-des-Pres. The Lipp is just across the street from the famous sidewalk cafe, Deux Magots. Favored by ordinary French diners as well as celebrities. President Mitterrand shows up on occasion, as do other political figures. Noisy, crowded, brightly lit. The staff is gracious. Meals, fair-to-good. What brings out the crowds is the excitement of the company. Film stars, poets, editors, writers. Surprisingly, the restaurant itself is rather un-chic. Favored guests are seated downstairs. Others are led to tables on the second level. A modest meal figures out to about $30. Wine is extra. A fun stop in a neighborhood that remains awake around the clock.

Brasserie Lipp, 151 Blvd. St.-Germain 75006, Paris. Local telephone, 45 48 5391.

Massachusetts B&Bs;: A nifty new giveaway--the Massachusetts Bed & Breakfast Guide. Ninety-six pages containing names/addresses of 450 inns. Listings of B&Bs; throughout the state. A flashback to rural America. This helpful little booklet is organized by regions/towns for ready reference. Berkshire country inns. Cape Cod cottages. Boston brownstones. Victorian mansions. Descriptions of each property, including room rates, fax/telephone numbers. Other pages devoted to 22 reservation services (one call enables you to book your entire trip). Some great choices. The 1780s Isaiah Clark Home & Rose Cottage in Brewster (rises on five acres, overlooking a pond). On Martha’s Vineyard a 200-year-old farmhouse (Captain Flander’s House) shares a 60-acre horse farm. The Anchor Inn on Nantucket is an 1806 whaling captain’s home next door to the island’s Old North Church.

For a copy of the Massachusetts Bed & Breakfast Guide, write to the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism, 100 Cambridge St., 13th Floor, Boston, Mass. 02202, (617) 727-3201.


Scarlett O’Hara: A couple of “Gone With the Wind” buffs (Donna and Jim Winner) have resurrected Scarlett O’Hara’s fictional mansion, Tara, in the Yankee town of Clark, Pa. Designed in the Greek Revival style of the Old South. Dates from 1854. An enchanting antebellum mansion filled with Civil War mementos and “Gone With the Wind” memorabilia (including a bed jacket worn in the movie by Vivian Leigh that’s displayed in Scarlett’s Room). Other rooms are named after characters/events from the film and the Civil War. (Tara is the only country inn in Pennsylvania given a four-diamond rating by AAA.) Twenty-seven rooms, three restaurants--including Ashley’s, with its white glove service, candlelight, piano music. Tara draws visitors from around the world. A “Gone With the Wind” getaway package includes a welcome basket of wine, fruit, cheese. Afternoon tea served daily in the lounge. Turndown service at night. Chocolates/sherry delivered to guests at bedtime.

Tara, Box 475, Clark, Pa. 16113, (800) 782-2803. Rates from $198 per night per couple.

For Dreamers: The once-private South Seas retreat of singer Julio Iglesias on the French Polynesian island of Huahine is scheduled to begin welcoming vacationers in March. Twenty-six thatched cottages scattered across 70 acres. The resort, Hana Iti, is about a 30-minute flight by commuter plane from Tahiti. Hana Iti will feature furniture/fabrics from Bali, giant clamshells for sinks. Baths with Jacuzzis, trees, gardens, man-made waterfalls. A banyan tree rises in the center of a swimming pool. Guests at the $14-million resort will dine beside a lagoon, windsurf, explore the island. Paradise? You bet. But bring along plenty of coconuts. Rates per villa for two persons will cost $700 a day, including meals, drinks, stocked refrigerators, taxes, pickup at the airport on Huahine.

Details from Resorts Management: (800) 225-4255.

Low-Cost Rentals: Connex, the car rental firm with offices in Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Israel and Morocco, has extended its operation to Mexico, South America and 16 Caribbean islands. Sample rates for a compact with unlimited mileage for three days figure out to $129 in Mexico, $94 on the island of Aruba, $116 on Grand Cayman Island, $141 in Puerto Rico, $159 in St. Thomas, $140 in Honduras, $103 in Chile, $116 in Argentina, $85 in Venezuela. In Mexico alone, Connex has introduced offices in 44 cities. A choice of 10 makes/models of cars in the rental pool. Call Connex, (800) 333-3949.


Golf Guide: A golf guide for travelers in Europe is available in selected bookstores/pro shops. The 10th-anniversary issue covers hundreds of courses in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia. More than 1,700 in Britain alone. Other courses in Israel, Malta, North Africa. The book contains descriptions of club/course. Gives locations, telephone numbers, green fees. Details on thousands of hotels/restaurants in surrounding towns/villages. Called the most complete, up-to-date guide for golfers in Europe/Britain. A bonus feature: Introduces players to clubs with children’s playgrounds, tennis, swimming.

Golf Guide Europe ($24.95) is distributed by the National Book Network.

Hong Kong Rebound: It seems that everyone who has ever been fascinated with Hong Kong wants to return before China takes over in 1997. (We’re hoping the magic of this old British outpost will continue to prove spellbinding after the Brits bow to the Chinese.) For travelers eager to get back to Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific Holidays is bannering a $999 tour that includes the round-trip flight from LAX, hotel for six nights (full American breakfast daily), airport transfers, a sightseeing tour of the island and Kowloon. Accommodations at The Excelsior, the Park Lane Hong Kong, the Omni Marco Polo, the Omni Prince.

Call Cathay Pacific Holidays at (800) 762-8181. Other details concerning Hong Kong from the Hong Kong Tourist Assn., 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1220, Los Angeles 90024, (213) 208-4582.


Potpourri: The Embassy Suites Hotel at South Lake Tahoe (the first new hotel to open on the South Shore in 10 years) is taking reservations via toll-free (800) 362-2779 . . . New editions of the Baja California Road Log can be ordered by calling (800) 345-4701 (California) or (800) 638-0999 (outside the state) . . . A “hotel of the year” award has been claimed by Chewton Glen, New Milton, Hampshire, England BH25 6QS, “as a leader in quality and excellence” . . . For details on a special Colorado vacation program featuring cross-country skiing/sleigh rides, contact Vista Verde Guest & Ski Touring Ranch, P.O. Box 465, Steamboat Springs, Colo. 80477, (800) 526-7433. Rates with meals: $100 daily for adults, $70 for children. . . . An item in the Dec. 22 Travel Tips about renting apartments in Paris gave an incorrect name for the company to contact. It’s called The French Experience, not The French Connection. Call (212) 986-3800.

Reader Recommendations

California--John and Nancy True, San Gabriel: “For a horseback trip (next summer) in Sequoia National Park and forest, write to Tim and Dianne Shew, P.O. Box 852, Springville 93265. All-day rides, $40. Also, night pack trips, plus horses/mules available for $25/$35 a day.”

Oregon--Harriet Ackert, Santa Barbara: “Old Stage Inn, 883 Old Stage Road, Jacksonville 97530. Not far from Ashland. This is a restored 1857 Victorian. A wheelchair-accessible cottage is adjacent to the main house. Rates: $75/$95.”

Alaska--Barbara and Emmett Roach: “The Camiat B&B;, 3838 Westminster Way, Anchorage 99508. Rates: $60/$65 double.”

Virginia--Bob Everett, Riverside: “Upland Manor, Route 1, Box 375, Nellysford, Va. 22958. A delightful historic home in the beautiful Rockfish Valley. Rates: $95/$115.”

England--Joan and Charley Hedges, Los Angeles: “Enjoyed the River View Hotel, One Marlborough Villas, Fifergate, York YO1 4AZ. Rates: about $30 per person, including private bath and outstanding cooked-to-order breakfast.”

We regret that only a select few recommendations can be used. They must be brief (typewritten or printed). Only one recommendation per reader, please. Note: Recommendations will not be used unless prices and addresses are included.
