
Where Credit Is Due

As executive producers of “Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” we find Fred Fuchs’ comments in “Such a Production,” by Robert W. Welkos (Dec. 8), both fascinating and enlightening.

In the role of producer, neither Fuchs nor American Zoetrope had any involvement in the original design and conception of the project, no role whatsoever in the engagement of Jim Hart as the writer, no participation in raising the necessary financing for the original screenplay, no role in the development of the script, no role in securing the rights and negotiating with Wilshire Court (the original television financier) for the opportunity to make the film on a theatrical basis and no role whatsoever in securing the commitment of Winona Ryder, who brought the project to Francis Ford Coppola’s attention in the first place, to star in the film.

“Bram Stoker’s Dracula” is an American Zoetrope/Osiris Films Production of a Francis Ford Coppola Film. When Osiris Films decided to make the deal with Coppola and American Zoetrope, it was Fuchs who was “inherited” as a producer on the project, not the other way around.




Executive Producers

Osiris Films

