
Faces to Watch in ’92 : These are the people Calendar’s critics and writers think you’ll be hearing about in 1992. In some cases, they’re familiar people who will experience a transitional year. Some are newcomers who could have a breakthrough year. : WYNONNA JUDD

Given her success as part of country’s most famous mother-and-daughter team, it may seem like 27-year-old Wynonna Judd is a sure bet for stardom when she releases her first solo album early next year. But there are questions. Country singers can no longer take fan loyalty for granted. An influx of younger listeners and changing radio programming patterns have made the country field resemble pop in the sense that stardom must be reconfirmed with each new release. Another uncertainty: There may have been something magical in the Judds combination that simply won’t carry over when Wynonna walks on stage without mother Naomi, who was forced to retire recently because of chronic active hepatitis. Yet Wynonna is arguably be the most gifted female country singer since Emmylou Harris, someone who can move between blues, rock and down-home country with equal authority. In the end, that voice and her musical instincts should be enough.
