
Magic to Write Books on His Life, Responsible Sexual Behavior

Associated Press

Magic Johnson, who retired from the Lakers last month after disclosing that he was infected with HIV, has signed a contract with Random House to write three books, including his autobiography and a guide to responsible sexual behavior, the publishing firm said Thursday.

Retired U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop would collaborate with Johnson on the sexual guide, with proceeds to go to the new Magic Johnson Foundation to support education, care and research in AIDS and related subjects.

Random House said the sexual guide, a paperback by Times Books, a Random House imprint, is due out in the spring of 1992. Johnson’s autobiography is scheduled for publication later in the year.


The content and timing of the third book was yet to be decided, said Harold Evans, president and publisher of the Random House Trade Group. The value of the contract was not disclosed.
