
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Project for Seniors Up for Discussion

The City Council tonight is scheduled to discuss a proposed $9.5-million revenue bond for construction of senior-citizen housing in the Five Points area near Main Street and Beach Boulevard.

The proposed senior-citizen development would be built by a private corporation called Five Points Seniors. The proposal calls for 164 units of housing on a 1.89-acre site at 18660 Main St. The project would be part of the city’s redevelopment program.

As part of the proposed agreement, the developer would pledge to build 48 of the 164 units as “affordable housing” for lower-income families. Deputy City Administrator Barbara Kaiser said that 32 of the affordable units would be priced for “very-low-income households” and 16 units would be priced for “low- and moderate-income families.”


Huntington Beach city government is under pressure to provide more affordable housing because of its extensive redevelopment. State redevelopment laws require that cities add affordable housing for lower-income families as part of such renewal projects. Huntington Beach currently lags in the number of low-cost housing units it is required by those laws to build.

City officials said the bonds will be paid back with revenue from the housing development and will not obligate funds from the city’s treasury.
