
Latino Voices a Much-Needed Series

Latino Voices, hurray! Thank you for the outstanding series of profiles during September featuring the wide variety of Hispanic men and women of all ages and backgrounds who have taken steps to make a difference in our Orange County communities. The quality of writing and research by the many reporters was immediately apparent, as was the brilliant photography by Aurelio Jose Barrera.

At Western High School, I have taken the opportunity to read several of your profiles to my language students and have also posted the attractive examples on our bulletin board for Hispanic History Month. Each individual featured was an example for the students that one person can make a difference in society, and that the time to begin to try harder is now.

Thanks for all the time and effort that went into this series. We are proud that the Los Angeles Times is focusing on the talent of many ethnic groups and hope this will help in bringing understanding to the men, women and children in Orange County of all races.


DIANNE TOMSICEK McGINNIS, Chair, Foreign Language Dept., Western High School, Anaheim
