
LAX, DMV Crack Down on Phony Parking Placards

Department of Motor Vehicles investigators cracked down Wednesday on drivers who use illegally obtained or phony placards to park in Los Angeles International Airport spaces reserved for the disabled. “They confiscated about 24 placards,” said Sgt. Lou Duran of the Department of Airports Police. “Unfortunately, quite a few of them were airline employees.” Those who were cited face a $1,000 fine or six months in jail, he said.

Duran speculated that some LAX workers dislike leaving their cars in Lot D--the employee parking area at Jenny Avenue and Westchester Parkway--and waiting for the shuttle buses that arrive every 10 or 15 minutes to take them to the various airline terminals.

The DMV teamed with uniformed airport police officers for the all-day enforcement effort, which began about 5 a.m. and was conducted in several parking lots at LAX.
