
April Fools?

Police Chief Daryl F. Gates has made a variety of comments about retirement. Here are a few of his more recent offerings:

‘I’m not setting a date. I can’t set a date. I don’t know when the council is going to get this thing on the ballot. . . . I’ve said over and over again. . . . Let the process go forward, let’s stop all this nonsense.’

--July 14, 1991

‘I have chosen the month of April, 1992, to retire. . . . That’s it, April, 1992 . . . and maybe that will stop all the nonsense that’s been going on.’


--July 22, 1991 in roll call video ‘I told (Council President) John Ferraro that if it (the election) was going to be in June, fine, I will be out of here the day after the election. But they said “No, we’re going to move it up.” So I selected April.’

--Sept 10, 1991
