
Citizens Must Fight Back

The city of Port Hueneme has declared war on its citizens.

Examples include the imposition of the view tax; two-hour parking signs on West Surfside Drive and South Ventura Road, accompanied by discriminatory enforcement (thinly veiled “revenue enhancement” policies); erection of a single sign on the west end of Hueneme Beach banning dogs on the beach, leashed or otherwise (Where are the notices on the rest of the beach?); harassment of the local “undesirables” (in other words, surfers); catering to the special interests of developers without consideration of the residents most closely affected.

It is time to fight back.

Everyone who is the recipient of police action must wage a contest in court. A parking ticket carries a $20 fine, but if it is contested, the city must spend 10 to 20 times that.

Register to vote and eliminate the current City Council. They don’t care about you, so why are they representing you?


Voice objection at all reprehensible city actions, verbally and in writing, at City Council and city committee meetings.

Urge the disbanding of the Police Department in favor of police by contract.

There will be no decline in services, and taxpayers will save $300,000 to $400,000 per year.

The Iron Curtain was dismantled in Eastern Europe, but somehow has been re-erected in Port Hueneme.



Port Hueneme
