Drug, Porn Charges Filed Against Billy Preston - Los Angeles Times

Drug, Porn Charges Filed Against Billy Preston

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Felony cocaine possession and other criminal charges were filed Friday against soul singer Billy Preston, who was arrested earlier this month after a teen-age day laborer told authorities Preston had tried to molest him.

Preston, 44, is scheduled to be arraigned Sept. 19 in Malibu Municipal Court. He posted $10,000 bail after his arrest Aug. 18 by sheriff’s deputies. In addition to the felony charge, Preston faces misdemeanor charges of being under the influence of cocaine, possession of an instrument to smoke a controlled substance, child annoying and exhibiting pornographic material to a minor, prosecutors said. If convicted, he could receive a maximum sentence of three years in prison.

Sheriff’s investigators said Preston picked up a 16-year-old day laborer at Trancas Canyon Road and the Pacific Coast Highway, drove him down a dirt road in Malibu, lit a cocaine pipe and showed the youth pornographic material before taking him to his Malibu home.
