
MOORPARK : Decision Reversals to Cost Schools $38,000

The Moorpark Unified School District board on Tuesday night took on $38,000 in unbudgeted expenses by reversing two previous decisions.

In the first reversal, the board approved purchasing a new computer software system to schedule classes, track student attendance and record grades. The purchase of the SASI software, which had been voted down at the Aug. 13 board meeting, will add an estimated $14,000 in costs not included in the 1991-92 budget.

The board also backtracked on its previous agreement to charge students $100 for bus transportation to extracurricular activities. Tuesday’s vote on the new policy was expected to confirm an Aug. 13 verbal approval of the fees. Instead, after hearing two parents speak against the charges, the board approved only a $50 fee. Because next year’s budget had assumed that students would pay the higher fees, the school district has to find about $24,000 to cover the shortfall, school officials said.
