
OXNARD : Residents Use 21% Less Water in July

Oxnard residents are continuing a trend of using less water than they did a year ago, a city report shows.

During the month of July, water usage dropped 21% compared to last year, reported Public Works Director James E. Frandsen states. The demand was for 1,657.4 acre-feet of water, while last year residents used 2,099.2 acre-feet.

The city approved a water-rationing ordinance in April that limits each resident to 85 gallons per day. By March, city officials began to see significant water conservation. Water usage that month dropped 28.9% over the quantity used during March last year. During the last six months, water usage dropped 18.2 %.


“We’re quite pleased,” said Michelle Izay, Oxnard’s water conservation manager. “We’re staying where we need to be. The residents are doing a great job.”
