
Countywide : United Way to Name Office After Karchers

The United Way has named its new corporate office after Carl and Margaret Karcher, who made a $1-million pledge toward the purchase of the facility.

The United Way had previously leased office space in Garden Grove before moving to its new headquarters at 18012 Mitchell Ave. South in Irvine.

The new office, dedicated last week, is being purchased with funds from a special fund-raising campaign. The donations are independent of those made to the United Way to support local health and human service organizations.


The campaign has also received $500,000 pledges from Peter and Gail Ochs and from Peter and Mary Muth. Peter Ochs is chairman and chief executive officer of the Fieldstone Co. in Newport Beach. Peter Muth is chairman of Orco Block Co.

Carl Karcher is founder and chairman of Carl Karcher Enterprises Inc., which operates the Carl’s Jr. restaurant chain.
