
Summertime: A Guide to Entertainment, Activities And Excursions : Discoveries : * If you’ve exhausted all of the usual tourist spots, it’s time to visit some destinations along the unbeaten path. : Animal Attraction

For all those who wanted to run away and be an animal trainer with the circus or, perhaps, an oceanarium, Moorpark College has a weekly program in an outdoor theater on campus.

On Sundays, the students in the school’s Exotic Animal Training and Management Program put on a show to demonstrate their techniques with a variety of beasts.

Among the animal performers on the current roster are a friendly baboon, a talking macaw, a Vietnamese pig named Byron, a llama that kisses on command, a vulture and a huge Thai lizard that played the role of the Kimono dragon in the movie “The Freshman.”


Many of these animals have learned behaviors, which the students call tricks.

And others are merely cute or menacing.

The students seem to genuinely enjoy working with the animals and the animals, in turn, seem to return the affection (although it was hard to tell with the lizard).

The shows, to which children are welcome, begin at 3 p.m. Sundays.

Weekday shows can be arranged for groups from schools and other organizations.

Moorpark College is at 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark. To reach the training zoo, where the show is held, enter the parking lot at Collins and University drives. Admission: $2 general , $1 children. Information: (805) 378-1441.
