
Region : High School Scholarships

The Santa Monica/West Los Angeles chapter of the Assn. of Mexican-American Educators will present its 19th annual Scholarship Awards on Saturday at 1 p.m. at the cafeteria of Venice High School, 13000 Venice Blvd.

Santa Monica City Councilman Tony Vazquez, a graduate of Venice High School, will deliver the keynote address at the ceremony, where awards will be presented to 35 Westside high school, middle school and elementary school students.

Several former scholarship recipients will also speak on their college experiences.

Maria Reyes Miller, a spokeswoman for the group, said she hopes the ceremony will cast a positive image for Latino students.


“We want to show the community that our children are not all gang members getting into trouble,” Miller said. “We have children who want to make something of their lives through education.”

Eight students from Santa Monica, Culver City, University, Venice and Hamilton high schools will each receive $250 scholarships. Eleven students from John Adams, Culver City, Webster and Marina del Rey middle and junior high schools will each receive $75 scholarships.

Sixteen students from Edison, Broadway, John Muir, La Ballona, Linwood Howe, Stoner, Westminster and Will Rogers elementary school will each receive plaques for academic excellence and outstanding citizenship.
