
CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE : Korean Exchange Agreement OKd

Cal State Northridge has announced its first exchange program with a university in Korea.

CSUN President James W. Cleary and President Jae Kyu Park of Kyungnam University in the Republic of Korea on Wednesday signed an agreement to support the exchange of teachers, researchers, students, information and reports between the two campuses.

“This is an opportunity for American children of Korean parents to experience their parents’ country,” said Barry Devine, CSUN’s coordinator of international programs.

CSUN students who already know the Korean language can participate in the program as soon as it is set up, Devine said. The university is looking into offering Korean language courses to allow other students to study at Kyungnam.


Devine said that CSUN is desirable to Korean students because the Los Angeles area has the largest population of residents of Korean descent outside Korea.

Campus officials described Kyungnam University, located on the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, as a sophisticated and modern facility that offers courses from political science and engineering to liberal arts and career services.

It also has a student newspaper and a student union.

CSUN has similar agreements with 27 other foreign universities, including schools in China, Japan, the Soviet Union and Brazil.
