
THOUSAND OAKS : Bank Robbery Witnesses Sought

Witnesses to a Thousand Oaks bank robbery, in which the three suspects wore disguises including a beanie and glasses with a fake mustache, are being sought by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Crime Stoppers program.

The robbery occurred April 19 at 9:40 a.m. at Home Savings of America, 248 Hampshire Road.

Authorities said three men walked into the bank and yelled, “This is a holdup!”

The robber at the door, who appeared to be the leader, wore glasses with a fake nose and mustache, a short wig and a wine-colored beanie. His accomplices, who had the tellers stuff an undisclosed amount of money into vinyl bags, wore brown or khaki ski masks and dark wool capes over camouflage pants.

Witnesses said the suspects fled in a light blue, nine-passenger station wagon driven by a woman.


Anyone with information on the robbery is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 494-TALK. Callers may remain anonymous, but they will be paid a reward of up to $1,000 if the information they provide leads to criminal charges being filed against a suspect.
