
Ojai : Program to Honor Late Krishnamurti

Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti is expected to draw hundreds of people to Ojai this weekend, five years after his death.

Up to 5,000 listeners flocked to the Krishnamurti gathering nearly every year between 1922 and 1986 to hear the pacifist speak in Libbey Bowl or in an oak grove in Meiners Oaks.

His audience jammed hotels, created a tent city on Besant Meadow and many stayed to raise families, start businesses and found several schools.


The native of India urged people to question authority and think about truth and ecological destruction.

Millions of his books have been sold and are translated into 47 languages.

Since Krishnamurti’s death at 90 at his Ojai home, the gathering has featured video showings of his countless talks around the world, archive displays and discussions of his teachings.

This year, two seminars with a dozen educators, scientists and screenwriters have been added to the two-day program, along with an evening conga recital and the release of eight new volumes of Krishnamurti’s transcribed talks.


The free programs start at 9 a.m. today and run through Sunday at Oak Grove School, 220 W. Lomita Ave.

Proceeds from vegetarian lunches will benefit a scholarship fund for the school Krishnamurti helped start in 1975, said Mark Lee, executive director of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. For more information, call 646-2726.
