
Discouraging Solo Commuters

In response to “Officials Hope to Drive Up Costs of Solo Commuting” (Part A, April 9):

Why is it that whenever our local officials identify a problem, they ignore their own failure to anticipate and correct the condition by blaming the condition on the innocent?

Example 1: Traffic--The Times disclosed plans that are purely punitive in nature to solo drivers. No new ideas to replace the automobile as a means of transportation were even discussed let alone incorporated into the plan. This city destroyed effective public transportation several decades ago. We are living with the consequences of that shortsighted thinking and now need to work together in a positive, proactive way to improve public transportation rather than to penalize those people with no effective alternative.

Example 2: Water rationing--Rather than address the true causes of excess water usage in Los Angeles and alternative sources of water (desalination plants), our officials are content to impose indiscriminate and punitive penalties on the people they were elected to “serve.”


Los Angeles became a great city by having leaders who used vision and positive direction rather than, as is now occurring, finding a convenient “guilty” party and meting out punishment.


