
POINT MUGU : Major Defense Cuts Miss 2 Navy Bases

While other military bases around the country face closure or severe cutbacks, the Navy bases at Port Hueneme and Point Mugu were largely untouched by the most recent proposals to scale down military operations, the commander of the Pacific Missile Test Center said Thursday.

“We’re not going to be reduced drastically at all,” Rear Adm. William E. Newman said at a Point Mugu news conference to ease the fears of employees and the community.

Although Defense Secretary Dick Cheney has called for the base to cut its staff by 820 positions over the next five years, the reductions can be made through attrition and retirement, Newman said.


“Our people are the most precious resources, and we are going to make sure people don’t get trampled,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Naval Ship Weapons Systems Engineering Station at Port Hueneme would have to cut 25 positions, a small portion of its 2,300 staff.

Cheney called for the cutbacks at the local bases and scores of others nationwide last week as part of an overall plan to scale down military operations.


If approved by Congress and the President, the cutbacks would go into effect in October.
