
Jordan Ranch Controversy

I would like to comment on the articles concerning the recent meeting called by Gov. Wilson in Sacramento to discuss the Jordan Ranch/Santa Monica Mountains matter.

It is important to emphasize the basis of the state’s involvement. As the governor stated at the beginning of the meeting, there is no intent or purpose to interfere either with the normal environmental review and local government approval process, or with the public discussion and comment process. As a former mayor and president of the California League of Cities, Wilson is a strong proponent of local government and local decision-making.

At the same time, there must be recognition that this is not solely a local land use matter. The state has a legitimate interest in assuring recreational opportunities and access for millions of Southern Californians in the Santa Monica Mountains. It also has a legitimate interest, whether that is expressed through local government or otherwise, in the management of growth and development to preserve the important environmental values that I believe all the parties share. Finally, because this matter involves the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, the federal government has legitimate interest. Interior Secretary Manuel Lujan has written to Wilson emphasizing this interest.


It should be clear that the governor did not endorse any particular terms of transaction. It is not true that Wilson or I have urged that the “deal” as presently structured be either accepted or rejected. Instead, the governor’s hope and suggestion is that the parties continue to talk to one another toward the end of minimizing the areas of disagreement and resolving an acceptable proposal that can win wide acceptance in the normal review processes. The governor’s office hopes that we can help to facilitate these discussions.

RICHARD P. SYBERT, Director, State Office of Planning and Research, Sacramento
