
ANAHEIM : Schedule Set for Redeveloping Mall

Plans to renovate Anaheim Plaza, the county’s oldest and one of its least-visited malls, took a step forward this week when the city adopted a timetable for redeveloping the site.

During a six-month negotiation period, the city and mall owners will outline a master plan for the 350-acre redevelopment area just off Interstate 5 at Euclid Street. Plans may include adding a movie theater complex, a hotel and office space.

“This is a great schedule for some great progress on Anaheim Plaza,” said Councilman Tom Daly.


The plans aim to increase sales at the mall to $200 million annually, about four times the business it currently does. About one-third of the stores are vacant in the 36-year-old mall, which is owned by the California State Teachers Retirements System.

The city has hoped to transform the mall into a specialty center, possibly housing an IKEA furniture store and other shops with an international theme.

During the six-month period, which may be extended 45 days if necessary, the city and a consultant hired by the mall owner will select an architect, a developer, determine a master plan for the area, develop a financing scheme and negotiate the final terms of the redevelopment agreement.
