
Middle East Peace Talks

Violence and hypocrisy run rampant in the Arab world. Your front-page articles (March 13 and 14) describe Kuwaiti troops torturing Palestinians in Kuwait. The Palestinians, remember, aided and abetted the torture of Kuwaitis by Iraqi soldiers. The Kuwaitis complained to the outside world of savage acts at that time.

Now, apparently, the Kuwaitis are savages and the Palestinians appeal for help to the outside world. And so it goes. None of this is new in the Middle East.

What is new are the most recent attempts to pressure Israel, a country not much larger than “tiny Kuwait,” to give up land so that the Middle East can have its 22nd Arab state, headed by Yasser Arafat. President Bush, Secretary of State James Baker, The Times and the American public should remember the neighborhood in which Israel lives and the restraint shown by Israel during the Persian Gulf War if “Israeli recalcitrance” to give away land becomes a topic for conversation.



Los Angeles
